>>>>>> PLEASE READ INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY <<<<<< This form is STEP ONE of the two-steps needed to register for the NASW-NYC/NYS WINTER 2025 Virtual Social Work Job Fair. Complete this form to ensure the NASW-NYC/NYS Chapter has your information, resume, and cover letter to submit to all of the employers that are being featured in the job fair. >>> PLEASE NOTE ONLY THOSE WHO ATTEND THE VIRTUAL JOB FAIR WILL HAVE THEIR RESUME/COVER LETTER SHARED WITH THE FEATURED EMPLOYERS! <<< IMPORTANT! ----- > Once completed, return to www.naswnyc.org/jobfair to complete step two to register for the event on Zoom. < ------ IMPORTANT! WHEN UPLOADING YOUR RESUME/COVER LETTER FILE, THEY SHOULD BE TITLED: LastName_FirstInitialCover OR LastName_FirstInitialResume. (Example: Doe_JCover OR Doe_JResume). By doing this, your resume is clearly identified for the employers and supports organization on the NASW-NYC Chapter back-end. IMPORTANT!!!! ----- > PLEASE NOTE THAT IF YOUR FILE NAMES ARE NOT AS INDICATED, THEY WILL NOT BE SENT TO EMPLOYERS! If you have any questions, please email cares.naswnyc@socialworkers.org